Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3D Movies: Won't you all Die Already?

It's always been fun for me sitting down and enjoying the trailer roll before a feature film. In many cases it's my first glimpse into a lot of B-list (usually closer to A-list, just not AAA graded) movies that will be coming out in the next few months to a year. Lately though, there have been an increasing number of ads for 3D movies running before even non-3D movies. This is difficult for me to understand, as I'm not interested in seeing a 3D movie in the first place and that's why I'm not seeing one now, so why are you pelting me with 3D ads? As an example: while I'm excited to see the Avengers, if it was hitting the reels in 3D only I would sit it out. I sometimes wonder if we're ever going to get over the long string of 3D movies that are on their way and then I read quotes like this one, from an MTV interview with Wally Pfister, Chris Nolan's Cinematographer:

I must say I’m a huge IMAX fan. I like IMAX more than I like 3-D…Chris’ films are so densely layered and have so much going on visually in every way that IMAX helps enhance that because of the scope and the scale of it — it becomes a much larger canvas to paint on. That’s what we found on ‘Dark Knight’…I’m not a big fan of 3-D…I liken it to my View-Master I had 40 years ago. Are you really getting more out of the story with 3-D? When you separate those different planes and you’re creating artificial depth, it looks phony to me.
Is there a time when Back to the Future ISN'T relevant?

So the man behind The Dark Knight and Inception, two of the highest grossing and critically acclaimed films (not to mention from a mainstream director with some serious chops) is saying that 3-D is a childish gimmick? Shit yes.

Listen, 3D movies have their place. We don't need to have every summer blockbuster coming out in 3D for the next 10 years. What happens when you give uncreative people a crutch like 3D to sell their movie on, is you get a bad movie that hundreds of thousands of people pay for because it says “3D” in the title. Jump to 2 years later, and this uncreative director is shooting a bigger budget movie with even more useless special effects and even less story. Not a pretty sight.

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