About Josh

Josh, despite what the depiction to the right may suggest, is not a sailor. He has never been in the Navy as he was rejected on the basis of "Being too overwhelmingly handsome". Along with being the co-creator and contributor of Film Dicks with Tim, Josh is always plotting some new movie idea that will never
get made.


Name: Josh
Year of Birth: 1348 AD
Profession: Contract Strongman

Josh's F.A.Q

Q: What makes you so qualified to review movies?

A: I have 4 doctorate degrees in blog style film review from some of the most well known universities in the world. Besides formal education on the subject, I have also been knighted for my efforts in film reviewing (knighted by yours truly) and I am currently writing my 8th book on the subject of film.*
*Books written by Josh exist only in his own mind and have never seen paper. All other above statements are false.

More Q&A to come!