Saturday, August 14, 2010

Review - The Expendables

So here it is, in a summer of Hollywood drought, we what seems to be a shimmering oasis of goodness. Since the first word slipped through of who was rumored to be in this movie, I have been waiting impatiently to see if this shit fest would really be worth of my $11.

Good news: It is. Go see it right now.

I can't spoil the plot, it's the same tired mess that Stallone has been in love with forever. Have you seen Rambo (the 4th movie)? If you have you essentially know what's happening in this movie. Mercenaries need to go into some 3rd world country where an evil dictator is trying to rule the people with a iron fist, and overthrow their tyrannical rule. Even though their are seemingly thousands of armed military personnel standing between them and their goal, these ragtag soldiers make their way through the shit-storm that awaits.

As you might expect, where this movie really shines is the action. People are torn in half, necks are broken through some very creative means, and explosions - they happen. I seriously can't overstate this enough: The Expendables is the only action movie this summer, and if anyone tries to disagree with me on this, they haven't seen this movie.

No bullshit, no 3D, no fucking love story soiling the whole thing. Old veteran action stars shooting the fuck out of bad guys, and doing it with style. You can say Stallone isn't really doing anything new here and you'd be right, but it doesn't matter; he's showing us that you don't need fancy gadgets, deep plot, or pretty faces to sell an action film... all you need is action.

When it comes to The Expendables, I paid for my whole seat, but I only used the edge.

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